So I have finally caught up to the rest of the world, and have now created a full-on ass-kicking blog the likes of which would make even the might NPH cry. I really don't have much to post right now, as my computer (chock-full of kick-assery) is in the shop, and I'm setting this up on my girlfriends mac. So be prepared for much awesomeness in the near-future as I throw myself (along with art, fun stuff, and opinions and such) onto the wild wild world of THE INTERNETS (without the safety net that is facebook). Anyhoo, as I post things and ongoing in my life, I hope you enjoy my rants ravings and like. In the meantime, here's some stuff I'm liking right now:
-Cowboy hats
-Scalped by Jason Aaron and Pia Guerra, from Vertigo comics
-The Crazy Heart Soundtrack
-The artwork of Olivier Coipel (Thor, Siege)
-The theme song to True Blood
Until next time,
Stay Gold