Sweet marie I'm just terrible at this blog thing. Worst part is, it is something I really am wanting to do! So to start, I've been working at pretty steadily at my day job, and it's not really allowing me the time or energy to do my art and comic stuff, that said I have been doing a fair amount of quality sketching lately. Also, with my scanner being not-at-all great, I've found myself taking a lot of pictures of my sketches on my iPhone using the Instagram app. If you use Instagram, my tag is poprockets, come follow me, we'll go for a ride. So expect less actual scans of my work, and more captured images. A lot of this is because I work on an 11" x 14" sketchbook, and my scanner ain't so big. Alas....

So this guy is one centered around one of two pretty solid ideas I have for comics. Both I think could really work well, i just have to sit down and write some stuff, develop actual plots and pitches and the like. I don't want to get into the specifics of the ideas (because you might steal them) but both are a science fiction-y. The character above is one of the protagonists in a story involving espionage, secret science societies and rayguns. The other book (main character pictured below) is more of a adventure science fiction complete with crazy aliens and jet packs. I kind of imagine it as a space Hellboy in terms of how picture its vibe.

Then just a few additional sketches

Including a quick David Bowie sketch mostly because I've been listening to a lot Bowie lately. And I don't wanna hear anything about it!

In other news I bought a rad little Raygun statue thats part of a rad steampunk style series. I don't think either my wallet nor my girlfriend is happy that I might have to start collecting these things. Here's a picture of my newly acquired death-dealer, The Thresher Mk. II Ionizer

Well I think that's about for now, at least if you're talking about me and silly art things. If you want topics about real things, I recommend you follow my girlfriends blog http://inthewarbetween.blogspot.com/. She's way smarter than I am.
Read comics. Watch the Venture Brothers
Oh, fun fact! Did you know that Mark twain and Nikola Tesla were good friends in real life? Crazy.
And find me on Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/poprocketcomics