Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thor sketch.

I'm gonna digitally ink and color this bad boy. But for now, here's the doodle.In the meantime, Kick-ass came out on DVD last week. Buy it. And listen to Lucero.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Today's whiskey anthem

Love this song. It's the new soundtrack to my dreams of owning my '55 Chevy.

Monday, August 2, 2010

More Posters, and a few thoughts on Loeb: The mother of all shitty writers.

I have got to update this thing more often. Anyway, works been a little dry on the poster front, so here's a few older favorites. On the plus side, i have been doing more drawing lately (all superhero nerdy stuff) and I'm starting to get to know my Wacom tablet. That, I should have done a long, long time ago. Other than that, with the design work not paying the bills (not that it ever did) and welfare cutting my monthly allowance (from just over $500 a month to a $1. Literally, a dollar!) since I moved in with my girlfriend, my nerd habits are no longer being adequately funded, and so: I will be job hunting in the near future. Yessir, with resume in hand, I will go out in the world once again full of piss and vinegar, with no doubt that I will succeed! Also, I think I'm close to coming up with a solid concept for a comic, and then get this ball-a-rollin'!

Other news and fun stuff: managed to see the Thor footage from comic-con before Marvel's legal wolves had it taken down, and the verdict is: Awesome!! As a giant Thor geek, I am REALLY loving what I've been seeing! Also, check out the new Ryan Bingham CD, its amazing. And Secret Avengers may be my new favorite comic ever.

Besides that, a little while ago, Marvel writer Jeph (I'm a sack of shit) Loeb was promoted to VP of TV and Animation at Marvel, and I couldn't be happier for the guy! Well, that is, see, I'm hoping his new found corporate responsibilities will keep him from writing as many titles on a monthly basis, and in case you didn't know; I think Loeb is a sack of shit. The only time I like Loebs work is when he works with Tim Sale, and then his wooden "I can't write dialog for shit" scripts find a nice, campy home. Beyond that, he's ruined everything he's ever even looked at. Ultimates was one my favorite all-time titles, and he just shat on it and every good thing that it was. And don't even get me started on his whole Hulk/Red Hulk thing that he's been doing, because it's awful. just. Awful.