Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Warming up.

So as you could probably tell, I've been on a sketching kick lately, and I've been loving it. Nothing quite feels so good as drawing a tonne. As per usual, I thrive when its just loose sketchbook work, not really taking things to what a lot of people would consider a state of 'finished'. I like it though, I feel good, feel loose, feel like i can stretch my legs artistically. And it also feels like I'm really working towards my goal of being a professional (ie:paid, preferably on a regular basis) comic book artist. I think i'm almost ready for getting into a more storytelling mode. Stories, etc. I think I've got a really cool concept for 24 hour comic day next month, which is good, cause if you go in unprepared for that, you could actually die.

So here's a sketch of me sketching. It's a very zen-like thing. I know.

P.S. If you're reading this and you're into comics, please go buy Thor: The Mighty Avenger. It's an awesome, easy read, but its so much fun, the art is sublime yet accessible, and it's out-of-continuity, which means that you really don't need to know anything about the character or anything thats happened to him in the past. It's really good.

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